30 September 2011

Healthy Skin, Naturally.

So, I'm super-excited because I just got my Burt's Bee's Natural Skin Solutions for Sensitive Skin sample in the mail today, from BzzAgent.

I've always had sensitive skin, from the time I was born. We're talking I was the girl who was allergic to disposable diapers and no lie, I have a scar from where I was playing with a plastic toy and it made me breakout as a toddler.  Yah.  Not fun.

So I've always loved Burt's Bees as a company because they are so dedicated to providing natural and safe products for consumers.  If it is going on my face? I want to be confident the result is not going to be a rash or breakout!  I've always found that Burt's Bees provides me the ability to feel confident I will like their product.  And even more now that I have the sensitive skin formula.

First things first - it is fragrance free and hypo-allergenic.  Yay!  When I washed my face, it felt smooth and clean and soft.  And it washed off easily! It wasn't so thick & creamy that I felt any residue. That's always a plus!  Honestly, it felt soothing on my dry skin, too.  I can't wait to see what the results of using this for a few weeks are.  I'm sure it will be much cleaner, healthier and happier skin!

In the meantime, I have a bunch of coupons and samples to share with anyone who wants one - I know you won't be disappointed!

Sodastream Starter Kit? Yes please!

So, the BzzCampaign of the day has inspired me to not just be a BzzAgent, but put all my reviews in one place.

Today's review is not only the first review here, but also a preliminary thoughts review - this is to say: I don't yet own this product, but I want to because I think it will make things easier for me. The product? A Sodastream Starter Kit.

Make no qualms about it, I've been wanting one of these for awhile now. I've seen them in the kitchen stores and been drawn to their sweet siren song. There's something about making your own soda and being able to adjust the flavor that seems like it will be so much better than buying the stuff in the store. For one thing? You can play with flavors. You can add your own touch. Want it sweeter? Add more! Want it less sweet? Add less! Feel like a mix of two? Go right ahead - it is yours to experiment with! There's a ton of flavors: cola, orange soda, root beer, lemon-lime, ginger-ale and so many more. There's even diet flavors! And new Sparkling Naturals flavors - blackcurrant pear! Apple Mango! Can you say yum?!

It also is a lot more environmentally friendly than buying soda bottles or cans in the store. I mean, let's be honest, anything that cuts down on the trash and recyclables that are added to the ever-growing pile is a good thing. It is a completely re-useable system. Awesome! It is also BPA free. As a mom of a 1 year old, we've been really looking for things in our daily life that are BPA free not just for him, but for us as well. Less exposure to chemicals is an awesome thing for the whole family.

So, what could be better? You make it at home yourself, on-demand. You never have to worry about grabbing the bottles or cans in the store and lugging them home. You're being environmentally friendly, and you can even save money in the process, especially if you drink a lot of soda. Sign me up for one of these puppies!

Today's daily bzz from BzzAgent is for the Sodastream Fountain Jet Soda Maker Starter Kit. Tweet, blog, or video your way into the campaign! Bzz a new product every day.